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Холокост,гематрия,сионисты и НМП ,6 000 000

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Дисклеймер:  Целью данной темы не является отрицание Холокоста ,пропаганды религиозной и национальной ненависти,но взвешенный анализ превалирующего в современной литературе и СМИ числа 6 000 000 его жертв.  В виду деликатности темы  просьба всем участникам форума строго соблюдать его правила,этические нормы,а так же законодательство РФ,дабы не подвергать риску само существование этого форума и безопасность его участников. Спасибо.

Мне уже несколько лет были известны газетные статьи за последние 100 лет,где фигурировала цифра 6 000 000 евреев,задолго до того,как она появилась официально на свет в декабре 1945 на Нюрнбергском трибунале. Достаточно долгое время эта цифра и факт,что она фигурировала почти за 80 лет до Второй мировой войны, не вызывала особенного сомнения,так как она,по моему мнению могла просто статистически совпадать с еврейским населением Российской Империи и Царства Польского,а так же общим еврейским населением планеты на 80е годы ХIХ века.  Однако,в связи с прочтением нескольких книг на тему гематрии,я озаботился более подробным ислледованием происхождения цифры 6 000 000 жертв Холокоста. В результате исследования,выяснилось,что цифра 6 000 000 евреев фигурирует в газетных статьях ,как минумум,с 1869 года.  Первые ,ранние статьи,примерно до конца 80х гг позапрошлого века касались общего еврейского населения -6 000 000 человек. Однако после этих лет,цифра в 6 000 000 уже употреблялась в газетах в связи с такими формулировками- ''6 000 000 евреев грозит неминуемая опасность уничтожения'', ''угроза голода'',''угроза раззорения'',''угроза изгнания'', и даже в сочетании со словом ''холокост'',которое обычно стало фигурировать в СМИ лишь в 60-70е годы ХХ века. Мне оно попалось,однако,в сочетании с 6 000 000 евреев аж в начале ХХ века.  Всего до декабря 1945 года(появления офиц. статистики жертв на Нюрнбергском трибунале) в СМИ было выявлено 256 упоминаний еврейских жертв,от угроз голода и уничтожения,до уже уничтоженных(1943-1944 гг),в то время,когда никакой официальной статистики еще нигде не было и быть в раззоренной войной Европе не могло. Менее часто употреблялись другие производные цифры 6-66,600 000 и т.д,что нумерологически не важно,как будет показано далее.  Все эти факты направили историков-ревизионистов по простому,но ложному пути-мол,если цифра существовала задолго до войны,следовательно никакого Холокоста на самом деле не было,все было заранее выдумано.  Это подход примитивный,что большинство взрослых россиян прекрасно понимают.  Я стал анализировать само происхождение этой цифры,и то,для чего она так настойчиво внедрялась в массовое сознание.    Напомню,что значение греческого слова Холокост-это жертва путем сожжения. Т.е не просто уничтожение,а именно жертва. Именно такой термин и был избран для того,что логичнее было бы назвать просто геноцидом,но это,по всей видимости, не отвечало авторским планам.
Древняя каббалистическая книга Зоар(примерно 2000 лет назад):
«Искупление Израиля явится через мистическую силу буквы «Vav» [у которой есть численное значение шесть], а именно, в шестое тысячелетие.... Счастливы те, кого останутся в живых в конце шестого тысячелетия, чтобы войти в Шаббат, который является седьмым тысячелетием; поскольку этот день, оставлен отдельно для Святого, в который можно будет произвести союз новых душ со старыми душами в мире (Zohar, Vayera 119a)».-Книга Зоар,написана около 2000 лет назад.
Согласно классическим древне-еврейским источникам Талмуд,Мидраш и каббалистической книге Зоар самый поздний период прихода Мессии-это прошествие 6000 лет со дня сотворения мира. Таким образом эта дата по Григорианскому календарю будет соответствовать 2239. В древне-еврейской нумерологии цифра,означаяющая тысячелетие откидывается и мы остаемся с 239! Подробности об этом в теме о коде 239,который,как оказалось,имеет прямое отношение к этой теме.
В книге швейцарского раввина Бенджамина Блеха Секрет ивритских слов объясняется,что понятие Тешуву(искупление,возвращение,путь к Богу), имеет гематрию 708,что соответствует году 5708 еврейского календаря,где обычно,первая цифра,обозначающая тысячелетие отбрасывается. Слово Тешуву в Торе написано намеренно неправильно-в нем отсутствует полагающаяся там буква ВАВ(6).
Т.е пророчество Торы в виде гематрии слова ''возвращение'' осуществляется только без буквы Вав,т.е-6 или 6000 000,как ее производной. 5708 год соответствует 1948 году Григорианского календаря-году образования государства Израиль. То есть,как показывает раввин Блех,создание Израиля и возвращение туда евреев стало возможным,лишь в результате трагедии Холокоста. Таким образом,получается,что кроме очевидных поитических и гуманитарных выгод,при создании Израиля,было осуществленно очередное пророчество в ''ручном режиме'',где ценой очищения-возвращения стали 6 000 000 жертв(вне зависимости от того,было их больше или меньше этой цифры. Книга вышла 7.7.1977 и переиздавалась после этого несколько раз. Можете зайти по ссылке на Амазон и убедится,что она имеет сугубо положительные отзывы. Конечно же,дата выхода книги абсолютно не случайна и имеет прямую нумерологическую связь с последними странными историями с двумя Боингами 777,и якобы крушением Боинга 777 Азианы в Сан Франциско. Какая связь?  Буква Вав оптически напоминает 7ку,поэтому 777 у западных оккультистов часто заменяют 666.

6 дней сотворения мира(Книга Бытия). Книга начинается словами «В начале сотворил Бог небо и землю», после которых описывается сотворение мира за 6 дней.
600 000 [/color]взрослых мужчин-иудеев вышли из египетского плена(Книга Исход). Кабаллистическая книга Зоар так утверждает,что Тора содержит 600 000 букв,каждая из которой обозначает душу.
http://www.chabad.org/kabbalah/article_ … etters.htm
В нумерологии 0 не имеет никакого значения,поэтому он отбрасывается про счете,поэтому неважно,если написано просто 6,600 000 или 6000 000.
http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Hebrew-Wo … 1568219180
Папа Римский: "Холокост – трагедия, не имеющая аналогов"

время публикации: 26 мая 2014 г.,
Папа Римский Франциск в мемориальном комплексе "Яд ва-Шем" 26 мая 2014 года
Визит Папы Римского Франциска в мемориальный комплекс "Яд ва-Шем" 26 мая 2014 года
Биньямин Нетаниягу, Папа Римский Франциск и Шимон Перес в мемориальном комплексе "Яд ва-Шем" 26 мая 2014 года
Папа Римский Франциск, находящийся с визитом в Израиле, посетил в понедельник, 26 мая, мемориальный комплекс "Яд ва-Шем". Он встретился с группой людей, переживших Катастрофу.
Понтифик поцеловал руки своим собеседникам в знак уважения к ним.
А целовал папа руки у 6 евреев переживших Холокост. Конечно же,не случайная цифра.



Список из 256 упоминаний в газетах о 6 000 000 до декабря 1945 года:

1900 - Stephen S. Wise, New York Times, June 11, 1900

"There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in
favor of Zionism."

1902 - Encyclopaedia Britannica, 10th Edition, Vol. 25, 1902, page 482

"While there are in Russia and Rumania six millions of Jews
who are being systematically degraded ..."

1902 - Samuel W. Goldstein, New York Times, November 27, 1902

"PLEA FOR ZIONISM ... In answer I would say: Does Dr.
Silverman represent the 6,000,000 Jews in Russia, 300,000 in
Roumania and the 1,000,000 in Galicia?"

1903 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), September 18th, 1903, page 6

" ... six million downtrodden brethren."

1904 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), February 19th, 1904, page 2

" ... where five or six million people existed under

1904 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), October 7th, 1904, page 1

" ... the final and definite deliverance of the six millions of
Russian, Roumanian and Galician Jews ... transporting five or
six million people over the sea."

1904 - Israel Zangwill, New York Times, October 20, 1904

"The problem does not relate to the American Jews, but to the
6,000,000 in Russia. The Russian Government has consented
to allow the Jews to leave,"

1905 - New York Times, January 29th, 1905

"He declared that a free and a happy Russia, with its
6,000,000 Jews, would possibly mean the end of Zionism,
since the abolition of the autocracy would practically
eliminate the causes that brought Zionism into existence."

1905 - New York Times, November 1st, 1905

"From 1800 to 1902 he caused 6,000,000 Jewish families to
be expelled from Russia ..."

1906 - New York Times, March 25th, 1906

" ... the condition and future of Russia's 6,000,000 Jews were
made on March 12 in Berlin to the annual meeting of the
Central Jewish Relief League of Germany by Dr. Paul Nathan
...He left St. Petersburg with the firm conviction that the
Russian Government's studied policy for the "solution" of the
Jewish question is systematic and murderous extermination."

1907 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), October 18th, 1907, page 13

" ... for six million people cannot emigrate.

1908 - Deseret Evening News, March 17th, 1908

" ... poverty, starvation and disease are the afflictions which
now beset the six million Jews in that country and Roumania."

1908 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), August 7th, 1908

" ... when six million Russian Jews are crying ..."

1911 - Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Vol. 2, 1911, page 145

"While there remain in Russia and Rumania over six
millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded ..."

1911 - Max Nordeau speaking at The 1911 Zionist Congress. Hecht, Ben. Perfidy. NY;
Julian Messner. 1961. page 254

"But the same righteous Governments, who are so nobly,
industriously active to establish the eternal peace, are
preparing, by their own confession, complete annihilation for
six million people,"

1 9 1 1 - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (IN), June 4th, 1911, page 15


1911 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), August 18th, 1911, page 14

"Very soon a fervid Russian patriotism will reign in every
Ghetto, and the melting-up of the race begin. But this
absorption of the five or six million Jews ..."

1911 - Max Nordeau, The Jewish Chronicle (London), August 18th, 1911, page 14

" ... the downfall of six million creatures ... for no war has
ever yet destroyed six million human lives."

191 1 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), August 25th, 1911

" ... six million Jews are still groaning under the most terrible

1911 - Max Nordeau, The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), September 1st, 1911, page 3

" ... the downfall of six million creatures ... for no war has
ever yet destroyed six million human lives."

1911 - Max Nordeau, The Reform Advocate (Chicago), September 9th, 1911

" ... the downfall of six million creatures ... for no war has
ever yet destroyed six million human lives."

1 9 1 1 - New York Times, October 31st, 191 1

"The 6,000,000 Jews of Russia are singled out for systematic

oppression and for persecution due to process of law."

1912 - American Jewish Year Book 5672 (23 Sep 191 1 - 1 1 Sep 1912), page 308

"Russia has since 1890 adopted a deliberate plan to expel or
exterminate six millions of its people for no other reason than
that they refuse to become members of the Greek Church, but
prefer to remain Jews.

1912 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), January 5th, 1912

" ... more than six million Jews reside in small towns and
villages there is no Sabbath question."

1 9 1 2 - Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, New York Tribune, September 1 1th, 1912, page 9

"Russia is now asphyxiating the Jews. It does not dare to
offend the nations by blood spilling, so it is slowly, but surely
grinding out the lives of 6,000,000 Jews."

1913 - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (IN), October 18th, 1913, page 4

"There are six million Jews in Russia and the government is
anxious to annihilate them by methods that provoke protests
from the civilized world."

1914 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), July 10th, 1914, page 9

" ... where six million Jews are suffering ..."

1914 - New York Times, December 2nd, 1914, page 12

"APPEAL FOR AID FOR JEWS. ... the plight of more than
6,000,000 Jews ... upon the Jewish people, more than nine
millions of whom live in the countries at war and over six
million of these in the actual war zone in Poland, Galicia and
the whole of Russian frontier."

1915 - New York Times, January 14th, 1915, page 3

"In the world today there are about 13,000,000 Jews, of whom
more than 6,000,000 are in the heart of the war zone; Jews
whose lives are at stake and who today are subjected to every
manner of suffering and sorrow ..."

1915 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), March 19th, 1915

"How the casting of six million people into the deepest abyss
of servitude and outlawry is to relieve tension we cannot

1915 - The Sun (NY), June 6th, 1915, section 5, page 1

"Six million Jews, one-half of the Jewish people throughout
the world, are being persecuted, hounded, humiliated,
tortured, starved. ... six million Jews in Russia ... are being
tortured so mercilessly."

1915 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), June 25th, 1915

"The annihilation of the six million Jews now congregated in
the Russian domains goes on in a well defined and systematic

1915 - Jacob de Hass, The Boston Sunday Globe, September 26th, 1915, page 46

Indeed the only point that all warring elements are agreed
upon is that at the end of the holocaust the Jews and Palestine
will be more closely related than at present.

1915 - New York Tribune, October 14th, 1915

"What the Turks are doing to Armenians is child's play
compared to what Russia is doing to six million Jews, her own

1915 - The Mercury, December 4th, 1915

" ... six millions of Russian and Polish Jews are to-day the

most pitiable victims of that race hatred and that race
fanaticism which have been the creed of Germany ..."

1916 - The Jews in the Eastern War Zone, The American Jewish Committee, 1916

" ... where six million human beings guilty only of adherence
to the Jewish faith are compelled to live out their lives in
squalor and misery, in constant terror of massacre ... estimated
at six million or more ... of these six million people ... a kind
of prison with six million inmates ... The persons most
affected, the six million Jews of Russia ... The Jews are loyal
and brave, and it is most inadvisable to pursue a policy which
might convert six million subjects into enemies. ... the six
million Jews of Russia still continued ... nearly three of the six
million ..."

1916 - Sausalito News (CA), Jan 22nd, 1916, p. 1

"... six million starving Polish Jews in the war stricken
countries of Europe,"

1916 - Oakland Tribune (CA), January 25th, 1916, page 1

"The President of the United States— 6,000,000 Starving,
Homeless, People — and January 27th Why should the
President, by proclamation to the people of the nation, fix
upon january 27th as the day for contributing towards the
relief of over six million Jews located in the Far Eastern War

1 9 1 6 - Oakland Tribune (CA), January 26th, 1916, page 1 (FRONT PAGE ADVERT 2 DAYS

"The President of the United States— 6,000,000 Starving,
Homeless, People — and January 27th Why should the
President, by proclamation to the people of the nation, fix
upon january 27th as the day for contributing towards the
relief of over six million Jews located in the Far Eastern War


1916 - The Tacoma Times, February 28th, 1916

" ... there were 6,000,000 Jews in Europe absolutely without
food or resources."

1 9 1 6 - New York Times, February 28th, 1916

"Nearly six million Jews are ruined in the greatest moral and
material misery; millions of them are refugees, dependent
upon the good will of their brethren."

1916 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), March 3rd, 1916

"Nearly six million Jews are ruined."

1916 - New York Herald, March 5th, 1916, Section III, p. 10.

"Six million Jews, old men, women and little children, are
suffering from the greatest calamity that has befallen Israel
since the Egyptian bondage."

1916 - North Devon Journal, March 9th, 1916, page 7

"In Poland, in Southern and Western Russia, six million Jews
resided when the War broke out. They lived there in the pale
of settlement, in poverty, and were terribly overcrowded."

1 9 1 6 - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (IN), March 12th, 1916, page 34

" ... six million Jews reported starving in the warring

1916 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), March 31st, 1916, page 6

"Position of the Jews in Russia. The Jews in Russia,
numbering about six million, are denied full political and civil
rights and are economically oppressed."

1 9 1 6 - El Paso Herald, April 22nd, 1916, page 5

"Six Million Jews Are Deprived Of Papers By Russian
Censorship. ... Six million Jews have been robbed of their

1 9 1 6 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), August 4th, 1916

" ... six million Jews ..."

1917 - Corsicana Daily Sun, February 16th, 1917, page 2

"Six million Jews are living in lands where they are
oppressed, exploited, crushed and robbed of every inalienable
human right."

1 9 1 8 - Fort Wayne News and Sentinel (IN), June 22nd, 1918, page 1

"In the war zone of Europe there are six million Jews who
have been the war's worst sufferers,"

1918 - The Columbus Jewish Chronicle, June 28th, 1918, page 1

"Claims Palestine Has Room For Six Million ... "It is quite
possible for Palestine to find room for five to six millions ...
800,000 hectares will suffice to produce the food of six
millions of people,"

1918 - The Bakersfield Californian, July 30th, 1918, page 4

"... the six million starving Jews in Poland, Galicia and other
stricken Eastern provinces ..."

1 9 1 8 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), September 5th, 1918

" ... Russia, where the bulk of the Jewish people to the number
of well over six million still dwell, is a land of blood and
midnight darkness."

1918 - The Columbus Jewish Chronicle, September 13th, 1918, page 1

"The report describes the havoc the war has caused among the
six million Jews of Russia. Driven by the invading armies, the
Jews have been compelled to flee from their homes;"

1 9 1 8 - New York Times, October 18th, 1918

"Six million Souls Will Need Help to Resume Normal Life
When War Is Ended. ... Committee of American Jews Lays
Plans for the Greatest Humanitarian Task in History. ...
6,000,000 Jews Need Help."

1919 - The Bourbon News, April 1st, 1919, p.4

"... six million Jews in Poland, Lithuania, Galicia, Palestine,
Turkey and Siberia who are dying of starvation,"

1 9 1 9 - The Corsicana Daily Sun, April 3rd, 1919, p.5

"SIX MILLION ARE STARVING ... It is estimated that there
are six million Jewish women, children and aged men actually
starving to death.

1919 - The Galveston Daily News, April 4th, 1919, page 3

"Six million Jews in Poland, Lithuania, Galicia, Palestine,
Turkey and Siberia are dying of starvation. ... These six
million despairing souls are totally dependent on American
generosity for the bare necessities of life."

1919 - The Watchman and Southron, April 5th, 1919

"Six million Jews in Poland, Lithuania, Galicia, Palestine,
Turkey and Siberia are dying of starvation. ... These six
million despairing souls are totally dependent on American
generosity for the bare necessities of life."

1919 - The Galveston Daily News, April 5th, 1919, page 5

"Six million Jews are dying of starvation."

1919 - The Galveston Daily News, April 6th, 1919, page 8

"The American Jewish Relief Committee is endeavoring to
save from starvation six million Jews who are the helpless
victims of the German terror."

1 9 1 9 - El Paso Herald., April 7th, 1919

" ... to save from starvation six million Jews who are the
helpless victims of the German Terror."

1919- San Antonio Express, April 8th, 1919, page 15

"The American Jewish Relief Committee is endeavoring to
save from starvation six million Jews who are the helpless
victims of the German terror."

1919 - The Corsicana Daily Sun, April 9th, 1919, page 8


1919- San Antonio Express, April 9th, 1919, page 12

"At no other time in the history of the Jewish people has the
need been so great as now. Six million of our brothers and
sisters are dying of starvation. The entire race is threatened
with extinction."

1 9 1 9 - Daily Kentucky New Era, Wednesday, April 9, 1919, p. 4-5

"The American Jewish Relief Committee is endeavouring to
save from starvation six million Jews who are the helpless
victims of the German Terror."

1919 - The Wellington Leader (TX), April 11th, 1919, page 1

"We wish to call the attention of our people to the great drive
that is on to raise funds for the relief of the six million Jews
who are starving in the war ridden districts of the east."

1919 - The Corsicana, Semi- Weekly Light, April 11th, 1919, page 5


1919 - The Daily Courier (PA), August 4th, 1919, section 2, page 1

The lives of some six million people are at stake."

1 9 1 9 - The Fulton Patriot, September 3rd, 1919, page 4

America Striving to Save Race in Europe From Destruction.
... All told, many million Christians and more than 6,000,000
Jews in countries other than the United States are being
directly aided by American Jewish relief funds."

1919 - New York Times, September 8th, 1919, page 6

"127,000 Jews Have Been Killed and 6,000,000 Are in Peril.
... 6,000,000 souls in Ukrainia and in Poland have received
notice through action and by word that they are going to be
completely exterminated - this fact stands before the whole
world as the paramount issue of the present day."

1919 - The Fort Wayne News and Sentinel, September 17th, 1919, section 2, page 1

" ... six million Jews are dying of starvation and where vast
numbers of them — innocent victims of the ravages of war —
wander homeless, and in rags."

1919 - Rushville Daily Republican, September 29th, 1919, page 4

"The thought that as I walk the streets of this properous and
happy town there are 6,000,000 people in other lands without
food, shelter or raiment is disturbing. ... When I read, as I
have read all my life, of the persecution and slaughter of the
Jews I am not proud of my own race or my religion. ... Six
million people perishing!"

1919 - Tipton Tribune, September 29th, 1919, page 2

"The thought that as I walk the streets of this properous and
happy town there are 6,000,000 people in other lands without
food, shelter or raiment is disturbing. ... When I read, as I
have read all my life, of the persecution and slaughter of the
Jews I am not proud of my own race or my religion. ... Six
million people perishing!"

1919 - The Washington Democrat, October 2nd, 1919, page 1

"The thought that as I walk the streets of this properous and
happy town there are 6,000,000 people in other lands without
food, shelter or raiment is disturbing. ... When I read, as I
have read all my life, of the persecution and slaughter of the
Jews I am not proud of my own race or my religion. ... Six
million people perishing ! "

1919 - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, October 1st, 1919, page 4

"The thought that as I walk the streets of this prosperous and
happy town there are 6,000,000 people in other lands without
food, shelter or raiment is disturbing. ... When I read, as I
have read all my life, of the persecution and slaughter of the
Jews I am not proud of my own race or my religion. ... Six
million people perishing ! "

1 9 1 9 - Janesville Daily Gazette (WI), October 4th, 1919, page 4

" ... the Feast Day of Rosh Hashonah. It was not a feast day
for some six million starving Jews of Europe because every
day for the past four years has been a fast day for them. ... the
five year fast that has been the lot of the 6,000,000 Jews in

1919 - Sheboygan Press (WI), October 4th, 1919, page 2

" ... the Feast Day of Rosh Hashonah. It was not a feast day
for some six million starving Jews of Europe because every
day for the past four years has been a fast day for them. ... the
five year fast that has been the lot of the 6,000,000 Jews in

1919 - The Pittsburgh Gazette Times - Oct 5, 1919, section 6, p. 16

"Still they live — these 6,000,000 helpless, starving, homeless

1919 - The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette (IN), October 6th, 1919, page 3

"With six million of their population in absolute want, they
are unable alone to render sufficient aid ... There are to-day to
be found in the ten provinces of Russia, Poland and the fifteen
provinces called the Pale of Settlement' six millions of these
peaceful and law abiding people ... We do not see with our
eyes the evidences of want and degradation into which six
million Jews have been thrown suddenly through no fault of
their own."

1919 - Indiana Weekly Messenger, October 9th, 1919, page 1 & 4

"Life for six millions in the shadow of death! ... Six millions
mean what? ... Six million souls, old men, old women, and
little children in Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Palestine, Glaicia,
Turkey, Syria, Roumania, Greece, and Bulgaria are in

imminent danger of starving to death this winter. ... The
responsibility of maintaining life in these six million sufferers
rests upon every man and woman in the United States
... Helping the Jews in their extremity is not helping the
Bolsheviks," the speaker emphatically declared."

1919 - Schenectady Gazette, October 16th, 1919, page 15

"Today 6,000,000 Jews Are Facing the Darkest Days Ever
Known in the Long History of the Race."

1919 - Titusville Herald, October 18th, 1919, page 4

"... Jewish Relief Fund ... Contribute Today, the Last Day and
Help Save From Death Six Millions of Starving People."

1919 - San Francisco Chronicle, October 19th, 1919, page 18

More Than Third of Entire Race in World Reduced to Despair
in Europe. ... Six million Jews, out of the 16,000,000 in the
world ..."

1919 - Cape Vincent Eagle, October 23rd, 1919

" ... there are six million people in other lands without food,
shelter or raiment is disturbing. ... When read, as I have read
all my life, of the persecution and slaughter of the Jews I am
not proud of my own race or of my religion."

1919 - The American Hebrew, October 31st, 1919, page 582

"The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop! From across the sea six
million men and women call to us for help ... Within them
reside the illimitable possibilities for the advancement of the
human race as naturally would reside in six million human
beings. ... In this catastrophe, when six million human beings
are being whirled toward the grave by a cruel and relentless

fate, only the most idealistic promptings of human nature
should sway the heart and move the hand. Six million men
and women are dying from lack of the necessaries of life [...]
bigoted lust for Jewish blood. In this threatened holocaust of
human life in the name of the humanity of Moses to six
million famished men and women. Six million men and
women are dying ... six million Jewish men and women are
starring across the seas ..."

1919 - The Evening Tribune Providence, October 31st, 1919, page 1 1

"In the midst of our campaign for the relief of the six million
Jews of Eastern Europe ..."

1919 - The Record (Johnson City, NY), November 1st, 1919, page 8

"There are 6,000,000 Jews in eastern Europe whom the war
has left dependant upon America for aid."

1919 - Beatrice Daily Sun (NE), November 8th, 1919, page 2

"The territory which Mr. Hoover visited is but a part of that in
which 6,000,000 Jews, suffers of war and war's equally
horrible after- math, stand helpless today, ... The Need: SIX
MILLION STARVING SOULS. Six million Jews in Poland,
Lithuania, Galicia, Palestine, Turkey and Siberia are dying of
starvation. ... These six million despairing souls are totally
dependent on American generosity for the bare necessities of
life. The Object: $35,000,000 for 6,000,000 LIVES"

1 9 1 9 - Lebanon Daily News (PA), November 1 1th, 1919, page 2

Tells of Half Starved People Clad in Rags BREAD OUT OF
LEAVES Says 6,000,000 Face Death This Winter Unless
Given Immediate Relief ... 6,000,000 Face Death ... Six
million Jews in eastern Europe face death during the coming


1919 - Felix M. Warburg, New York Times, November 12th, 1919

"The Jews were the worst sufferers in the war. The successive
blows of contending armies have all but broken the back of
European Jewry and have reduced to tragically unbelievable
poverty, starvation and disease about 6,000,000 souls, or half
the Jewish population of the earth."

1919 - Gouvernur Free Press, November 12th, 1919

"Six Million Men and Women Are Dying... Won't You Help
Them? ... From across the sea six million men and women call
to us for help ... in six million human beings ... In this
catastrophe, when six million human beings are being whirled
toward the grave by a cruel and relentless fate ... Six million
men and women are dying ... Six million men and women are
dying ... Because of this war for Democracy six million
Jewish men and women are starving across the seas ... Six
million men and women of the race that helped do the greatest
of the world's work are falling into the grave! ... six million
famished men and women now turn mute eyes of appeal ..."

1919 - Chester Times (PA), November 28th, 1919, page 15

"There are 6,000,000 Jews in Eastern Europe whom the war
has left dependent upon us for aid."

1919 - Ironwood News Record (MI), December 6th, 1919, page 9

"For First Time in History of Race, Jews Are Asking Others
For Help. ... They are doing it because six million Jews in
eastern and central Europe are actually in need of food at this
moment. ... The problem of 6,000,000 starving men, women
and little children ought to be the problem of all humanity."

1 9 1 9 - Lima News (OH), December 24th, 1919, page 3



"Today Six Million Jews Are Facing the Darkest Days Ever
Known In the History of the Race."

1919 - The Toledo News-Bee, December 27th, 1919

"Six Million Human Beings Are Suffering the Tortures of
Disease, Hunger and Death ... American Jewish Relief

1920 - Van Wert Daily Bulletin (OH), January 5, 1920, page 3

"... Jewish relief work in Europe and Asia. There are six
million Jews in the two continents who because of the war
have been made destitute."

1920 - Manti Messenger (Utah), March 19, 1920

"Just now some six million of Jews, eight hundred thousand
of them just children, are in imminent danger of starvation in
eastern Europe."

1 920 - Tulsa Daily World, April 1 1th, 1920, section B, page 14

"Today 6,000,000 Jews Are Facing the Darkest Days Ever
Known in the Long History of the Race"

1920 - Utica Herald-Dispatch, April 20th, 1920, page 9

"Today 6,000,000 Jews Are Facing the Darkest Days Ever
Known in the Long History of the Race."

1920 - New York Times, May 1st, 1920, page 8

"Just Another Drive, but the Lives of 6,000,000 Human
Beings Wait Upon the Answer."

1920 - New York Times, May 2nd, 1920, page 1

" ... six million human beings, without food, shelter, clothing

or medical treatment."

1920 - New York Times, May 3rd, 1920, page 11

"Your help is needed to save the lives of six million people in
Eastern and Central Europe.

1 920 - New York Times, May 5th, 1920, page 9

" ... to save six million men and women in Eastern Europe
from extermination by hunger and disease."

1920 - New York Times, May 5th, 1920, page 19

"Six million starving, fever- stricken sufferers in war- torn
Europe appeal to us."

1920 - New York Times, May 7th, 1920

" ... Jewish war sufferers in Central and Eastern Europe where
six millions face horrifying conditions of famine, disease and

1920 - Reads a poster tied to a lampost in a photograph in the June 1st, 1920 edition (Vol.
1, No. 3) of Jewish Relief News


1920 - Ogden Standard Examiner, August 8, 1920, page 9

today that there are six million jews (sic) in eastern and
central Europe whom the war has left dependent upon

1920 - The Ogden Standard-Examiner, August 20th, 1920

" ... there are six million Jews in eastern and central Europe
whom the war has left dependent upon America."

1920 - New York Tribune, August 29th, 1920

"Six million Jews were made homeless by five years of
foreign and domestic wars."

1920 - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, August 29th, 1920

"Six million Jews had been made homeless, starving, naked
and plague ridden by five years of foreign and domestic wars
that swept Poland."

1921 - Pamphlet apparently issued in 1921 for members of American Jewish Distribution
Committee, filled with "Facts to Talk About" during public meetings.

position of the Jew in Europe today is highly precarious.
There are about six million Jews in Central and Eastern
Europe outside of Soviet Russia"

1921 - New York Times, July 20, 1921, page 2

"BEGS AMERICA SAVE 6,000,000 IN RUSSIA. Russia's
6,000,000 Jews are facing extermination by massacre."

1922 - The New York Call, Monday, January 2, 1922, p.2

$6,000,000 FOR RELIEF"

1922 - Lowell Sun (MA), March 22, 1922, page 14

"The Jews in the immediate district for which the aid of the
war sufferers' campaign is to be given numbered over six
million. ... Over 300,000 orphans, over 150,000 descrated
women, over six million wandering Jews walking, crawling in
their misery, feeding on the bark of trees and on herbs that
drow by the wayside."

1925 - Lawrence Journal- World (Kansas), June 29th, 1925, p. 5

"Jewish National Fund Invests Almost $6,000,000 in

1926 - Encyclopaedia Britannica, 13th Edition, Vol. 1, 1926, page 145

"While there remain in Russia and Rumania over six
millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded ..."

1926 - Canadian Jewish Review, April 9th, 1926, page 4

" ... the extreme need of 6,000,000 Jews in Russia and

1926 - New York Times, April 21st, 1926

"In Heaven's Name, Arouse the Jews of America! New York's
Quota: $6,000,000 United Jewish Campaign of New York"

1930 - The Daily Times (PA), March 15, 1930, p.5

"Will Raise $6,000,000 for Upbuilding Palestine and to
Rehabilitate Jews of Eastern Europe"

193 1 - The Montreal Gazette, December 28th, 1931, page 25

CRISIS AT HAND. ... six million Jews in Eastern Europe
face starvation, and even worse, during the coming winter."

1932 - Symphony of Six Million, film, April 29th, 1932

Directed by Gregory La Cava, written by Fannie Hurst (story), J. Walter Ruben, Bernard
Schubert (screenplay), starring Ricardo Cortez.

1933 - New York Times, March 29, 1933

"It is now active in relief and reconstructive work in Eastern
Europe where 6,000,000 Jews are involved."

1933 - New York Times, June 1st, 1933, page 6

"Dr. Margoshes said he had received a letter from the poet at
Zurich a few days ago, stating that she had 'run away from the
holocaust ... '"

1933 - The Jewish Western Bulletin, September 21st, 1933

"At this period of human persecution and of human
destruction, when life, especially Jewish life has ceased to be
of any value in the cruel land of bloody Germany, when the
lives of hundreds of thousands are tortured and hang in the
balance - during this holocaust ..."

1935 - New York Times, September 8th, 1935, page 26

"The preliminary session of the first world conference of the
Federation of Polish Jews being attended by sixty delegates
from eighteen countries representing 6,000,000 Jews ..."

1936 - Kabbalist & Zionist Jacob de Hass, B'nai B'rith Magazine: The National Jewish
Monthly. Volume 50, Number 6, March, 1936.

"Six million Jews are affected by this omnipresent fear ("of
another world war")"

1936 - New York Times, May 31st, 1936, page 14

petition, in expressing the opinion of enlightened Christian
leadership in the United States, favoring a larger Jewish
immigration into Palestine, stressed the intolerable sufferings
of the millions of Jews in "the European holocaust." ... to save
these unfortunate millions from total annihilation ..."

1936 - The Jewish Western Bulletin, June 2nd, 1936, page 3

"Great Britain has it within her power to throw open the gates
of Palestine and let in the victimized and persecuted Jews
escaping from the European holocaust."

1936 - The Montreal Gazette, August 8th, 1936, page 5

"Delegates of 32 Nations Represent six million Hebrews."

1936 - Chaim Weizmann, speech before the Peel Commission on Palestine, King David
Hotel in Jerusalem, November 25, 1936

"If one goes further afield (in Europe), and takes the Jewries
of Rumania, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, ones see practically
the same picture, and it is no exaggeration on my part to say
that today six million — I am not speaking of the Jews in
Persia and Morocco and such places, who are very
inarticulate, one hears very little of them — in that part of the
world are doomed to be pent up in places where they are not
wanted, ... These six million people to whom I have referred
are condemned to live from hand to mouth. ... it affects the
fate of six million people."

1936 - Chaim Weizmann, The Jewish Western Bulletin, December 11th, 1936, page 3

" ... where six million Jews are in a position which is neither
life nor death."

1936 - New York Post, December 11th, 1936, page 19

Gathering to consider the crisis confronting 6,000,000 Jews in
Central and Eastern Europe,"

1937 - Fitchburg Sentinel, February 17th, 1937, page 1 & 11

"Stating that "6,000,000 Jews in central Europe have neither
life nor death because of extreme persecution," Mrs Emanuel
Halpern of New York city, member of the national board of
Hadassah urged ... Today there are 6,000,000 million (sic)
Jews in central Europe who have neither life nor death."

1937 - The Jewish Criterion, September 3, 1937

"the position of the six million Jews of Central and Eastern

Europe with whose existence the J.D.C." was "so vitally

1937 - Jewish Western Bulletin, December 31st, 1937

"The number six million is often used to describe the Jewish
population of Central and Eastern Europe."

1938 - New York Times, January 9th, 1938, page 12

VICTIMS NOTED. ... Five to six million in all are today the
victims of governmental anti-Semitism ..."

1938 - New York Times, February 23rd, 1938, page 23

"A depressing picture of 6,000,000 Jews in Central Europe
deprived of protection or economic opportunities, slowly
dying of starvation, all hope gone ... Now anti-Semitism has
spread to thirteen European nations, and threatens the very
existence of millions of Jews."

1938 - The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), April 1st, 1938, page 15

"I shall not comment upon the first except to remind you that
six million Jews in Europe are struggling between life and

1938 - The Guardian, April 4th, 1938, page 11

"Six million Jews at this moment are trapped like rats ..."

1938 - New York Times, May 2nd, 1938

"The rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe today, which has
deprived more than 6,000,000 Jews and non- Aryans of a
birthright ..."

1938 - The Jews of Central Europe by Jacob Lestshinsky, in Jewish Frontier, Vol. 5, No. 6,
June 1938, page 13

"EVERY NATION is morally compelled to face the bitter
truth. This article is written not with the intent of bewailing
our plight but in order to arrive at a factual calculation of the
status of six million Jews in Central and Eastern Europe and
of the prospects that exist in the lands of immigration."

1938 - Port Arthur News, June 9th, 1938, page 1

"It is estimated that nearly six million Jews have been driven
from their homes by ruthless oppressors and stripped not only
of their property but their right to work for a living."

1938 - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, June 16th, 1938, page 18

"Judge Lewis urged American members of the race to swing
moral and financial powers into the channels of evacuating
some 6,000,000 Jews to Palestine."

1938 - Turtle Mountain Star, Rolla, North Dakota, October 6th, 1938

"Five or six million Jews, uprooted by dictatorship and tossed

about by economic storms, may have to depend upon the

development of the Holy Land, under British mandate, as a

solution to their difficulties. But they face the hostility of the

Arabs living there, whose economic and religious interests

conflict with theirs. ... protects the settlers from the raiding

Arabs. ... The Arabs Are Coming! ... The dreaded

Mohammedan raiders have been sighted by a neighbor settler

1938 - The Times, November 22nd, 1938

"Mass emigration of Jews to Palestine for two years and the
formation of a Jewish national assembly was advocated by Sir
John Haslam, M.P., in a message which he sent to a public
meeting at the Kingsway Hall last night held by the New
Zionist Organization. The message stated that the problem

now involved some 6,000,000 Jews."

1939 - New York Times, January 15th, 1939, page 27

"Rabbi Silver wanted assistance to Jewish emigration
safeguarded so that European governments would realize that
'it is impossible to evacuate 6,000,000 Jews.'"

1939 - The Binghampton Press, January 18, 1939, page 8

"IRISH PLEA — Deputy Robert Briscoe, only Jewish
member of the Irish Parliament, arrives in New York city to
begin a campaign to enlist Americans in a plan for resettling
approximately 6,000,000 Jews in Palestine."

1939 - The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, January 27th, 1939

"Only six million Jews remain at the moment safe. But they
will have to carry the burden."

1939 - The Daily Sentinel (Rome, NY), January 31st, 1939, page 11

"Does Mr. X really believe that if Hitler gains control of Spain
with the help of Franco, that life in Spain will be any different
than it is today in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia
where 6,000,000 Jews have been murdered, ..."

1939 - Chaim Weizmann, The Palestine Post, February 14th, 1939

"The fate of six million people was in balance ..."

1939 - The Jewish Criterion, February 17th, 1939, page 20

"The fate of six million people is in the balance. ... They
supported their stand with a declaration that Jews never
needed unrestricted immigration to Palestine as much as at
present, with 6,000,000 Jewish refugees seeking a haven."

1939 - The Evening Independent, February 22nd, 1939, page 1

"6,000,000 Helpless. ... there are six million Jews in Europe
today fighting desperately against intolerance and despair. For
them the support of the united appeal is crucial."

1939 - The Jewish Western Bulletin, March 3rd, 1939

RUIN ..."

1939 - The Advocate, March 17, 1939. The Advocate: America's Jewish Journal. Vols. 95-
98. 1939, page 47

"If the six million Jews that constitute the European scene
were removed from the lands where they now dwell the forces
of brutality and ruthlessness would still continue to operate."

1939 - The Jewish Criterion, April 7th, 1939, page 4

"Not in Hitler's Hands, In Yours ... The Fate Of Six Million
European Jews"

1939 - The Jewish Criterion, April 7th, 1939, page 33

" ... six million Jewish people who are in dire need today."

1939 - The Jewish Criterion, April 14th, 1939, page 4

"Recent events in Central Europe have brought to 6,000,000
the total number of Jews in Central and Eastern European
countries affected by anti-Semitic activities"

1939 - The Jewish Criterion, April 14th, 1939, page 6

" ... whether our 6,000,000 fellow countrymen will live or die
... More than a million refugees, starving, tortured, fear-dazed,
have been dragged from their homes, separated from their
families, expelled from their countries. Five million more,
await with horror the moment this misery will strike them ..."

1939 - Chester Times (PA), April 20th, 1939, page 6

"Six million Jews are the stepchildren of fate in Europe

1939 - The Jewish Criterion, April 21st, 1939, page 15

" ... the distress and suffering of 6,000,000 Jews in Europe. ...
6,000,000 IN EUROPE

1939 - The Jewish Criterion, April 28th, 1939, page 3

" ... 6,000,000 fellow Jews who are in distress today."

1939 - The Niagara Falls Gazette, May 1st, 1939, page 15

HARASSED BRETHREN Six Million Jews Are Refugees,
Members of B'nai B'rith Lodges Told. Three-eights of the
world's Jewish population of 16,000,000 persons, or
approximately 6,000,000 persons, are potential refugees. ...
Rabbis Fischoff declared that the 6,000,000 Jews or Christians
of Jewish extraction are in real of imminent danger due to the
spread of totalitarianism in the world."

1939 - The Jewish Criterion, May 5th, 1939, page 9

"PLIGHT OF 6,000,000 ... The 6,000,000 European Jews ... "

1939 - The Jewish Criterion, May 12th, 1939, page 7

"The year of 1939 is the year of the most critical struggle of
6,000,000 European Jews."

1939 - Western Morning News (Devon, UK), June 8th, 1939, page 6

PLIGHT OF THE UNWANTED ... A little more than a
month ago Lord Winterton, chairman of the Evian Committe,

declared that the potential problem concerned five or six
million Jews."

1939 - Ohio Jewish Chronicle, June 30th, 1939, page 1

"The crisis which Jews of Europe are facing today envelopes
far more than six millions souls."

1939 - Contemporary Jewish Record, Volume 2 July/ August 1939 (Published by the
American Jewish Committee)

" ... the coming ward would be the annihilation of the six
million Jews in East and Central Europe."

1939 - The Jewish Criterion, October 13th, 1939, page 2

" ... the coming ward would be the annihilation of the six
million Jews in East and Central Europe."

1939 - Samuel Broncheck, Syracuse Herald-Journal, October 30th, 1939, page 15

"...in Poland alone there are 6,000,000 Jews who are now
subject to Hitler's persecution or Stalin's "communizing.""

1939 - The Southern Israelite, November 28th, 1939

" ... the coming ward would be the annihilation of the six
million Jews in East and Central Europe."

1940 - Mason City Globe Gazette (Iowa), January 20th, 1940, page 16

"Mr. Tannenbaum stressed that Palestine offered the only
solution to the six million Jews who are homeless, starving
and sick in central and eastern Europe today."

1940 - The Southern Israelite, May 3rd, 1940

"Almost six million Jews find themselves on the brink of
starvation and extermination. Their only hope is the help
which the Jews of America can extend to them. The success
of the United Jewish Appeal will determine their fate.

1940 - Robert W. Schiff, Ohio Jewish Chronicle, May 17th, 1940, page 1

"Over six million Jews in Central and Eastern Europe are
faced with great danger of annihilation as the result of the
sweep of war and oppression."

1 940 - New York Times, June 25th, 1940, page 4

"Six million Jews in Europe are doomed to destruction, if the
victory of Nazis should be final. ... The chances for mass
emigration and resettlement of European Jewry seems to be
remote, and European Jews face the danger of physical
annihilation. Even the 4,000,000 Jews under Soviet rule,
although free from racial discrimination, are not safe in the
event of a final Nazi victory."

1940 - Joplin News Herald (Missouri), June 25th, 1940, page 3

"Six million Jews in Europe are doomed to destruction."

1940 - Ohio Jewish Chronicle, June 28th, 1940, page 1

"The lives of six million Jews have been uprooted by the
psychopathic, political ambitions of totalitarian leaders."

1940 - The Palestine Post, July 1st, 1940, page 6

"Nor must we despair that six million Jews will forever lose
trace of their historic heritage."

1940 - The Jewish Criterion, November 15th, 1940

"J.N.F. to Raise $6,000,000 for Palestine During Coming
Year. ... the Jewish National Fund of America voted to raise
$6,000,000 for the holy land's war needs during the coming

1941 - Salt Lake Tribune, February 5th, 1941, page 2

"Nazis Prepare Blueprint Of All World Enslaved ... Later, the
survivors will all be sent to whatever "reservation" the Nazis
finally decide to set up — all six million of Europe's Jews."

1 94 1 - New York Times, October 2nd, 1941

" ... as to avoid the likelihood of another holocaust."

1941 - The Jewish Criterion, November 28th, 1941

"6,000,000 Jews in Europe Look to America for Aid, Says
Warburg. Fully six million Jews in Europe ..."

1942 - The Jewish Spectator, Volume 7, 1942, page 53

"Now, too, the unspeakable tragedy of almost six million Jews
under nazi domination is not considered sufficiently important
to be discussed."

1942 - The Palestine Post, November 1st, 1942

"The Chief Rabbi, who spoke on behalf of Empire Jewry and
Jews of the United Nations, as well as of all six million Jews
in Europe, said that the deliberate extinction of the whole
house of Israel was being carried out by Hitler's sadists and
quislings on a scale beyond compare even in the annals of

1942 - New York Times, December 13th, 1942, page 21

"Rabbi Israel Goldstein in Temple B'nai Jeshurun, Eighty-
eighth Street, near Broadway, declared: "Authenticated
reports point to 2,000,000 Jews who have already been slain
by all manner of satanic barbarism, and plans for the total
extermination of all Jews upon whom the Nazis can lay their
hands. The slaughter of a third of the Jewish population in
Hitler's domain and the threatened slaughter of all is a
holocaust without parallel."

1942 - The Courier-Mail (Brisbane), December 19th, 1942

JUSTICE. Statements issued simultaneously in London,
Washington and Moscow, told at German barbarity and of
proof of the Nazi determination to exterminate Jews. ...
Hitler's decision to exterminate the Jews ... It is estimated that
there are between five and six million Jews in Occupied
Europe ... Nazi Slaughter House. ... Hitler's oft-repeated
intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe."

1942 - Barrier Miner (Australia), December 23rd, 1942

"Mr. Silverman suggested that Australia and Canada could
each absorb 6,000,000 Jews. ... MOST ARE DOOMED ...
The Jewish Congress declares that 2,000,000 Jews have been
exterminated so far."

1942 - The Massacre of a People: What the Democracies Can Do, 1943. The following
article is an except from "Let My People Go," a pamphlet written on Christmas Day, 1942, in

"Of the six million Jews or so who were living at the outbreak
of the war in what is at present Nazi-occupied Europe, a high
proportion — between one and two million — have been
deliberately murdered by the Nazis and their satellites. ...
Unless something effective is done, within a very few months
these six million Jews will all be dead,"

1943 - American Zionist Emergency Council (from 1970: American Zionist Movement) -
"Palestine" - Volumes 1-5 (1943)

"Jewish civilian casualties will be close to six million ..."

1943- "Debates: House of Commons, official report, volume 5, Canada, 1943

"I should like to read a bit from a pamphlet entitled "Let My
People Go," written by Victor Gollancz: Of the 6,000,000

Jews or so who were living at the outbreak of the war in what
is at present nazi-occupied Europe, a high proportion -say
between one and two million- have been deliberately
murdered by the nazis and their satellites. ... within a very few
months these six million Jews will all be dead ..."

1943 - Contemporary Jewish Record, Volume 6 1943 (Published by the American Jewish

"Suddenly, during the summer of 1942, world public opinion
was shocked out of its lethargy by the realization that the
Nazis had decreed the complete extinction of six million Jews
and that a third of the victims had already perished."

1943 - The Canberra Times, January 25th, 1943

" ... Jews are being subjected as part of Hitler's plan to
exterminate six million Jews in occupied Europe."

1943 - The (London) Times, January 25th, 1943

"They note further that the extermination already carried out
is part of the Carrying into effect of Hitler's oft-repeated
intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe, which
means in effect the extermination of some 6,000,000 persons
in the territories over which Hitler's rule has been extended.

1943 - Lowell Sun (MA), January 26th, 1943, page 9

"Of these six million Jews, almost a third have already been
massacred by Germans, Rumanians and Hungarians and the
most conservative of scorekeepers estimate that before the
war ends at least another third wil have been done to death."

1943 - The Guardian, January 27th, 1943, page 4

"A PROPOSAL TO SAVE THE JEWS ... Some six million
lives remained in imminent peril."

1943 - The Canadian Jewish Review, January 29th, 1943, page 1

" ... Hitler really intended to exterminate 6,000,000 more
human beings."

1943 - Hull Daily Mail, January 30th, 1943, page 3

"Mr Gollancz states that of the six million Jews living at the
outbreak of war in the present Nazi-dominated areas, between
one and two million have been deliberately murdered."

1943 - Western Morning News (Devon UK), February 5th, 1943, page 2

"There are some who hold that Hitler's set purpose is the
extermination of the Jews in Occupied Europe, numbering
about six millions. ... We can neither accommodate six
million Jews here nor dictate the attitude of other

1943 - Ben Hecht, Reader's Digest, February 1943, page 108

"Of these 6,000,000 Jews almost a third have already been
massacred by Germans, Rumanians and Hungarians, and the
most conservative of the scorekeepers estimate that before the
war ends at least another third will have been done to death."

1943 - New York Times, March 2nd, 1943

" ... appalling is the fact that those who proclaim the Four
Freedoms have so far done very little to secure even the
freedom to live for 6,000,000 of their Jewish fellow men by
readiness to rescue those who might still escape Nazi torture
and butchery."

1943 - The Canadian Jewish Review, March 14th, 1943, page 8

"Two millions of Jews have already been done to death. Six
millions in mid-Europe are sentenced to die."

1943 - Wallace R. Deuel, Cumberland Evening Times, March 23rd, 1943, page 1

"The Nazis set out in the beginning to destroy whole peoples.
They expected to obliterate from the earth not less than
6,000,000 Jews as a beginning."

1943 - The Advertiser (Adelaide, Australia), May 15th, 1943

" ... the possibility of the complete wiping out of six million
Jews if something is not immediately done to secure a harbour
of refuge."

1943 - The Canadian Jewish Review, August 13th, 1943, page 8

"Two million Jews out of Europe's six million have already
been slaughtered by the Nazis; most of the remainder seem

1943 - Toledo Blade, August 27th, 1943

"3,000,000 Jews Left In Europe - 5,300,000 Reported To
Have Perished. Europe's Jewish population has been reduced
from 8,300,000 to 3,000,000 during the 10 years the Nazis
have been in power, says the Institute of Jewish Affairs."

1944 - The Palestine Post, January 23rd, 1944

"Only a handful of Polish Jews survived the extermination.
They were now either with the partisans in the forests or
living as Crypto -Jews. The death toll was six million, they

1944 - The Montreal Gazette, March 18th, 1944, page 11

"There must be insurance that the Germans, unrepentant as
they were after the last war, do not prepare another

1944 - Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weissmandl, May 15th, 1944

"And you - our brothers in Palestine, in all the countries of
freedom, and you, ministers of all the kingdom - how do you
keep silent in the face of this great murder? Silent while
thousand on thousands, reaching now to six million Jews,
were murdered. And silent now while tens of thousands are
still being murdered and waiting to be murdered? Their
destroyed hearts cry to you for help as they bewail your
cruelty. Brutal you are and murderers too you are, because of
the cold-bloodedness of the silence in which you watch."

1 944 - Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weissmandel, May 31st, 1944

" ... heads of government and radio must announce what was
done to our people in the slaughter house of Belzec, Malkinia
(Treblinka), Sobibor, and Auschwitz. Till now six times a
million Jews from Europe and Russia have been destroyed."

1944 - Moshe Sharett future Israeli PM, June 15th, 1944. Quoted in a telegram (same day)
from the British High Commissioner of Palestine to the Colonial Secretary in London (TNA
Kew, T 161/1167)

"Shertok derived the impression that enemy motives were
mixed, and might be all or any of the following:- (a) the
purely realistic object of getting various commodities from us
through the only medium of exchange available; (b) hope that
by obtaining some credit in our eyes for not slaughtering
2,000,000 Jews they would get away with the fact that they
had slaughtered 6,000,000 Jews already;"

1944 - United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America Convention
Proceedings, September 25th-29th, 1944

"WHEREAS: History records no parallel to the bestial
cruelties inflicted on the Jewish people of Europe by the Nazis
and their satellites, whose coldly calculated program of
extermination of all European Jews very nearly succeeded,
almost six million Jews having been murdered in cold blood

1944 - Youngstown Vindicator (Ohio), November 27th, 1944

"A five- volume "black book" containing a documentary
record of the German massacre of approximately 6,000,000
European Jews is being prepared by the state publishing

1944 - The Pittsburgh Press, November 28th, 1944, page 5

"Six Million Jews Listed Slaughtered. A five- volume "black
book" containing a documentary record of the German
massacre of approximately six million European Jews was
being prepared today by the State publishing house. ... The
work was under the general editorship of Ilya Ehrenburg and
the editorial board included Poet-Playwright Konstantin
Simonov, Writer Vsevold [Vsevolod] Ivanov and Poetess
Vera Imber.

1944 - The Leader, November 28th, 1944

"Russian "Black Book" lists German crimes. The first volume
of a five-volume Russian "black book" recording the
documentary form of the German massacre of approximately
6,000,000 European Jews has been completed by the Soviet
state publishing house ... The five- volume work is under the
general editorship of Ilya Ehrenburg, noted Soviet writer and
war correspondent, with an editorial board that includes poet-
playwright Kanstantin [Konstantin] Simonov, writer Vsevold
[Vsevolod] Ivanov and poetess Vera Imber. Editors of the
work -which will be published in both Russian and English in
press runs of hundreds of thousands of copies- estimate from
data now available that the Germans killed between 5,000,000
and 6,000,000 Jews in Russia, Poland and western Europe.
They believe an additional 500,000 now are being murdered

in Hungary."

1944 - The Palestine Post, November 28th, 1944

"SIX MILLIONS MURDERED. The Soviet State Publishing
House is preparing the publication of another "Black Book," a
documentary record of the German massacre of
approximately six million European Jews. ... According to the
Soviet editors, the Germans killed between five and six
million Russian, Polish and Western European Jews, and an
additional half million are being murdered in Hungary now."

1944 - The Jewish Criterion, December 1st, 1944

" ... 5,500,000 Jews have been killed in Germany and
German-occupied territories since the outbreak of the war. ...
Yes, the Germans murdered close to six million Jews ..."

1944 - President of the Chester Zionist Organization, Rabbi Naphtali Frishberg, Chester
Times (PA), December 2, 1944, p.6

"With six million dead abroad, how can the Council on
Judaism ..."

1944 - Nahum Goldmann, Jewish Western Bulletin, December 8th, 1944

" ... apart from Jewish losses in combat service, 5,500,000
Jews have been killed in Germany and German-occupied
tesritories [territories] since the outbreak of the awr [war] .
These figures exceed the number anticipated even by the most
pessimistic. ... Yes, the Germans murdered close to six million
Jews ..."

1944 - Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet War News, December 22nd, 1944

"In the regions they seized, Germans killed all Jews, from the

old folks to infants in arms. Ask any German prisoners why

his fellow countrymen annihilated six million innocent people

1945 - Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet War News, January 4th, 1945

"In regions they seized the Germans killed all the Jews from
the old folk to infants in arms. Ask any German prisoner why
his fellow countrymen annihilated six million innocent people
and he will reply quite simply : "Why, they were Jews."

1945 - New York Times, January 8th, 1945

"6,000,000 JEWS DEAD. The Jewish population in Europe
has been reduced from 9,500,000 in 1939 to 3,500,000. Of the
6,000,000 European Jews who have died, 5,000,000 had lived
in the countries under Hitler's occupation."

1945 - New York Times, February 11th, 1945, page 10

"1,200,000 Jews survived of the 6,000,000 who had been
under German rule during the war, and that most of them were
eager to come to Palestine."

1945 - New York Times, February 17th, 1945

"Dr. Joseph Schwartz, European director of the American
Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, estimated today that
500,000 of Europe's 6,000,000 Jews had escaped destruction
by emigration and that only 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 of
Europe's 6,000,000 Jews were now left on the Continent."

1945 - Ilya Ehrenburg, Pravda, March 1, 1945

"The world now knows that the Germans killed six million
Jews. They killed all Jews - from infants at the breast to the

1945 - Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet War News, March 15, 1945

"The world now knows that Germany has killed six million

1945 - Joseph Thon, president of the National Organization of Polish Jews in America,
March 22nd, 1945

"I accuse the whole German people that in the years 1939 to
1945 they slaughtered upward of 15,000,000 men, among
which there were 6,000,000 Jews. ... The German people
murdered, in cold blood, in excess of 6,000,000 European
Jews, among them over 3,000,000 Polish Jews."

1945 - Ilya Ehrenburg, The Advertiser (Adelaide), March 27th, 1945

" ... the Germans tortured the last handful of Jews. The
Germans killed six million Jews -all the Jews of Poland,
Hungary, the Ukraine, Lithuania, Byelo-Russia, West Europe
and of course Germany."

1945 - Army News (Darwin, Australia), April 1 1th, 1945

population of 16 million Jews in the world before the war,
more than six million had been murdered by the Nazis."

1945 - New York Post, April 21st, 1945, page 9

"The Nazi leaders felt they had nothing to fear. "They
murdered six million Jews, but nothing was done. In the
words of the Czech delegate to the London War Crimes

1945 - Stephen S. Wise, May 1945; Friends Indeed: The Special Relationship of Israel and
the United States, Norman Finkelstein, 1998, page 33

"The Christian world, and I include England, of course, in the
Christian world, suffered six million of the people of Jesus of
Nazareth to die in a most horrible manner. The Christian
world owes the Jews some reparation."

1 945 - New York Times, May 2nd, 1945

" ... estimated that only 1,000,000 of 6,000,000 Jews in
Europe in 1939 were still alive."

1945 - The Pittsburgh Press, May 13th, 1945

"Nazis Destroy six million Jews. ... Of the eight million Jews
living in Germany and German occupied countries before the
war, 6,200,000 have died from either execution, cruel
treatment or starvation, according to latest figures compiled
by Jewish welfare organisations here."

1 945 - New York Times, May 20th, 1945, page 7

" ... seemingly endless streams of former "slaves" from all
parts of Europe and by the huge cantonments of liberated
victims of Nazism. More than six million of them have been
liberated ..."

1945 - Dr. Jacob Robinson (lawyer), June 11th (12th), 1945; Nuremberg: The Last Battle,
David Irving, 1996, page 61

"How great were these losses, inquired [Robert H.] Jackson,
seeking a figure to use at the coming trial. 'Six million,'
responded Dr. Robinson, and indicated that the figure
included Jews in all Nazi-occupied lands 'from the Channel to
Stalingrad' ... Jackson noted that day: 'I was particularly
interested in knowing the source and reliability of his estimate
as I know no authentic data on it.'"

1945 - Chaim Weizmann, president of the (World) Zionist Organisation, speech in London
at the World Zionist Congress on August 1st, 1945. "An Answer to Mr. Bevin by Chaim
Weizmann" Jewish Spectator, Vol.X, No. 5, September 1945

"The Jewish people, with its six million victims in Europe,"

1945 - David ben Gurion, speech in London at the World Zionist Congress on August 2nd,
1945. Footage viewable at criticalpast.com

"The six million slaughtered Jews."

1945 - The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, August 3rd, 1945, page 7

"This commission is gathering all materials, documents, and
photographs illustrating the martyrology of Polish Jews and of
the Jews of all Europe. This proves that the Germans
murdered six million European Jews in Poland."

1945 - The Canadian Jewish Review, August 10th 1945, page 1

"while the Jews, who had lost 6,000,000 victims to Nazism in

1945 - The Times (London), August 14th, 1945

" ... some 6,000,000 men, women, and children - were put to
death by the Nazis and their satellites."

1945 - The Evening Post (New Zealand), August 21st, 1945, page 5

"Two-fifths of all Jewry-nearly 6,000,000 men, women and
children- were butchered."

1945 - The Guardian, September 5th, 1945, page 8

"Altogether, it is estimated that six million Jews have been

1945 - The Canberra Times, September 6th, 1945

Throughout the war the Germans killed 6,000,000 Jews, the
number left in Europe being approximately 1,600,000 ... most
surviving Jews desired to emigrate to Palestine. The agency
plans to send six groups of six men each to help Jews in
German camps. ... It is planned to erect a monument on the
summit of Mount Scopus to commemorate the Jews who died.
It will bear the names of all the 6,000,000, including soldiers,
partisans and ghetto fighters. All the Jewish cultural
documents and religious objects left in Central and Eastern

Europe are to be collected in Palestine."

1945 - The Evening Post (New Zealand), September 6th, 1945, page 7

"The Germans killed 6,000,000 Jews during the war, said Mr.
Eliahu Dobkin, head of the Jewish Agency's immigration
department, on his return to Jerusalem from Central Europe."

1945 - Jewish Western Bulletin, September 7th, 1945, page 43

"Almost 6,000,000 Jews were wiped out during these years,"

1945 - Jewish Western Bulletin, September 7th, 1945, page 47

"Throughout the world there is a growing indignation over the
barbarism and the unspeakable cruelty of the mass murders of
six million Jews by the Nazis,"

1945 - New York Times, September 17th, 1945

"Six million Jews have died as martyrs and their blood cries
up from the ground."

1945 - Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum President of the American Federation of Polish Jews, The
Jewish Criterion, September 21st, 1945, page 7

"Due to German atrocities and Allied neglect six million Jews
have been slaughtered."

1945 - American Zionist Emergency Council, New York Post, September 27th, 1945

"It was our very unhappy conviction all along that the
responsibility for the extinction of six million Jews in Europe
was not Hitler's alone. The Entire Christian world shares that

1945 - The Canadian Jewish Review, September 28th, 1945, page 8

"We mourn six million dead adults, the aged, the young and
the little Jewish children. We remember them."

1945 - September 30th, 1945. At a Zionist rally at Madison Square Gardens NYC, a huge
banner approximately 50ft long and 2.5ft high, hung above the stage on which the speakers
addressed the audience. The banner said:


1945 - New York Post, October 1st, 1945, page 15

"While "we waited patiently for the fulfiliment of Great
Britain's pledges to the Jewish people," they said, "six million
Jews were killed in Europe. ..." ... Aren't 6,000,000 Jewish
Dead Enough?"

1945 - The Evening Post, October 2nd, 1945, page 7

"The 6,000,000 Jews who had been killed ... "

1945 - The Manhattan Zionist Club, New York Post, October 3rd, 1945, page 21

"For years we waited patiently for the fulfilment of Great
Britain's pledges to the Jewish people, We waited in vain. In
the meantime, six million Jews were killed in Europe,"

1945 - The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, October 5th, 1945, page 6

"You now propose to continue to keep these doors shut
against our survivors, after six million of our people perished,
for whose death your country [Britain] is not without blame."

1945 - The Chester Times, October 10th, 1945

"It was our very unhappy conviction all along that the
responsibility for extinction of six million Jews in Europe was

not Hitler's alone. The entire Christian world shares that

1945 - The Observer, October 14th, 1945, page 5

"At the entrance to its office, a large poster asks the searching
question: Six million Jews have been murdered- world, where
is thy conscience?"

1945 - The Canadian Jewish Review, October 26th, 1945, page 12

"They look about and behold the tragic suffering of Israel
during the past decade in which six million Jews perished and
they seen to see Israel as a defeated nation."

1945 - The Observer, November 2nd, 1945, page 10

"The horror of the Middle Ages with all forms of torture was
brought down upon European Israel with the result that six
millions of Jews perished."

1945 - Lebanon Daily News (PA), November 9th, 1945, page 1 1

"Six million Jews have perished — victims of the Nazis"

1945 - Peter Gay, The Gateway (Uni. of Alberta), November 9th, 1945, page 2

"... six million Jews have been murdered and the few
remaining ones are denied a haven ..."

1945 - Chaim Weizmann, president of the WZO, speech on November 19th, 1945, at the

convention of the Zionist Organization of America in Atlantic City. 'Weizmann's Rebuke to
Bevin', The Jewish Chronicle, November 30, 1945, p.l.

"after the slaughter of six million Jews, the remnant of a
million and a half implore the shelter of the Jewish homeland?

What a sorry epitaph the new declaration of policy seeks to
write over the graves of six million of our dead. The soil of
Europe is saturated with their innocent blood."

1945 - The Indian Express (Madras) - Nov 19, 1945, p.4

"The world will have no peace as long as Jews have no
opportunity to determine their destiny in their own land. We
know from bloody experience that mass murder of six million
Jews was made possible only because of their homelessness
and statelessness."

1945 - Randolph Churchill, Winston Churchill's son, Daily Boston Globe, November 22nd,
1945, page 9

"Six million Jews have been murdered in the past six years
and the problem of finding a home for the two or three million
European Jews who remain is one of urgent importance."

1945 - Herbert Seliqmann, Chief of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Bureau in
Washington, The Jewish Criterion, November 30th, 1945, page 7

"... after the massacre of six million Jews in Europe ..."






Мемориальные доски концлагеря Аушвиц-Биркенау(Освенцим). Первая доска,с надписью 4 000 000 жертв была заменена в 1990 году на другую-1500000,из которых около 1000 000 были еврееями,однако разница в 2500 000 человек никак не повлияла на сумму из 6 000 000.
"Vice President George Bush recently ended his four-day trip to Poland with a visit to the Nazi extermination camps of Birkenau and Auschwitz. ... nearly all of the 4 million people murdered in the camps were Jews who were gassed solely because they were Jews."



«Дейли телеграф» 18 июля 1990 г. Число жертв Освенцима снижено до одного миллиона   Кжиштоф Лески из Варшавы и Охад Гозани из Тель-Авива   Польша сократила оценку числа погибших от рук нацистов в лагере смерти Освенцим с четырёх миллионов до чуть более одного миллиона. Сейчас считается, что подавляющее большинство погибших были евреями, вопреки заявлениям бывшего польского коммунистического правительства о том, что в крупнейшем немецком концлагере погибло столько же поляков, сколько и евреев. [...] Доктор Шмуэль Краковский, глава исследовательского отдела израильского мемориала еврейских жертв холокоста Яд Вашем, сказал, что новые польские цифры правильные. [...] Доктор Краковский обвинил бывшее польское коммунистическое правительство в том, что оно увековечило неверные цифры в попытке преуменьшить холокост и подкрепить заявления, согласно которым Освенцим не был исключительно еврейским лагерем смерти.



«Искупление Израиля явится через мистическую силу буквы «Vav» [у которой есть численное значение шесть], а именно, в шестое тысячелетие.... Счастливы те, кого останутся в живых в конце шестого тысячелетия, чтобы войти в Шаббат, который является седьмым тысячелетием; поскольку этот день, оставлен отдельно для Святого, в который можно будет произвести союз новых душ со старыми душами в мире (Zohar, Vayera 119a)».-Книга Зоар,написана около 2000 лет назад.

Так,что здесь,от шевронов СС до знаков Черчилля и Обамы,мы,скорее всего,имеем дело все с той же магической Вав-6.

Обама и странный знак V
Конструктор и офицер СС Вернер фон Браун со своей ракетой V2(Вав)



Подборка впечатляющая, аплодирую стоя!


о, ДА!

Аллилуйя! Свершилось! Наконец-то! - Вояджер затронул тему Холокоста и 6 миллионов "убиенных"!!!
Я то (и не я один) думал уже не дождусь... Безмерно рад, что ошибался!



Это подводит к началу поиска понимания вопроса Творца, или некой мировой силы.



Согласно Зоару- остается 223(4)=6000-5777 года,в октябре 2016(5777) г. наступит еврейский новый год, и для Гос. Израиль -69-й(смерти 69 летних знаменитостей в этом году)



Post-man написал(а):

Подборка впечатляющая, аплодирую стоя!


Post-man написал(а):

Подборка впечатляющая, аплодирую стоя!


У меня столько материала,что я еще даже и до трети не дошел. Что бы не быть голословным,нужно разместить массу сканов,а это отнимает много времени. То,что размещено было вчера,отняло практически целый день.



Mery написал(а):

Согласно Зоару- остается 223(4)=6000-5777 года,в октябре 2016(5777) г. наступит еврейский новый год, и для Гос. Израиль -69-й(смерти 69 летних знаменитостей в этом году)

Я это тоже приметил,возможно  будет ,как то ''отпраздновано''.



Torop написал(а):

Это подводит к началу поиска понимания вопроса Творца, или некой мировой силы.

Возможна ведь и комбинация факторов. К примеру,группы влияния,тайные общества,зная историю и сознавания значения определенных символов,пытаются их искуственно имитировать.
Корреляция между гематрией слов в Торе и их физическими параметрами
От Иерусалима до Мекки 666 морских миль
Планета Земля и 666



Прошу прощения, если было, но не помню-рассматривалась ли значимость года 2001(5761)- в отведенном 6000 летнем сроке, 6000-5761= 239



Mery написал(а):

Прошу прощения, если было, но не помню-рассматривалась ли значимость года 2001(5761)- в отведенном 6000 летнем сроке, 6000-5761= 239

Вроде не рассматривали еще.



Поищите на ютубе видео с названием "Подайте Яхве ради угнетенному еврею. Заколдованные 6.000.000. "



voyager1970 написал(а):

«Искупление Израиля явится через мистическую силу буквы «Vav» [у которой есть численное значение шесть], а именно, в шестое тысячелетие.... Счастливы те, кого останутся в живых в конце шестого тысячелетия, чтобы войти в Шаббат, который является седьмым тысячелетием; поскольку этот день, оставлен отдельно для Святого, в который можно будет произвести союз новых душ со старыми душами в мире (Zohar, Vayera 119a)».-Книга Зоар,написана около 2000 лет назад.

Так,что здесь,от шевронов СС до знаков Черчилля и Обамы,мы,скорее всего,имеем дело все с той же магической Вав-6.
Обама и странный знак V
Конструктор и офицер СС Вернер фон Браун со своей ракетой V2(Вав)

Тот же Вернер фон Браун был поставлен во главе проекта НАСА -строительства ракеты Saturn V в 1966 году
Von Braun was put into the rocket design division of the Army due to his prior direct involvement in the creation of the V-2 rocket.[8] Between 1945 and 1958, his work was restricted to conveying the ideas and methods behind the V-2 to the American
Символ V присутствует на эмблемах всех космических агенств мира
Вав,либо ее стилизация в виде 7ки или присутствует на эмблемах множества космических миссий:



Одна из самых успешныx автомобильных фирм, с самым продаваемым автомобилем в истории-Жуком(с 1938 года) с эмблемой из 3х V=666


Популярен и в шестом поколении: на заводе марки Volkswagen Коммерческие автомобили в Ганновере с конвейера сошёл 66 666-й автомобиль нового модельного ряда Т — модель Generation SIX в. двухцветном бело-красном исполнении Candy White/Cherry Red.

Всего в мире было произведено около 11,7 миллионов автомобилей серии Т, из них почти 8,5 миллионов — на площадке в Ганновере. Только за период с января по конец октября 2015 года марка Volkswagen Коммерческие автомобили поставила покупателям 139 100 автомобилей серии Т.

Volkswagen Bulli производится уже на протяжении 65 лет — с 1950 года в Вольфсбурге, а с 8 марта 1956 года на новом заводе, построенном в районе Ганновер-Штёккен. Это стало началом единственной в своём роде автомобильной истории любви. От хиппи до индивидуальных предпринимателей — все в восхищении от моделей Volkswagen серии Т и это восхищение продолжает вызывать и шестое поколение. Своей двухцветной бело-красной окраской кузова Candy White/Cherry Red и 18-дюймовыми легкосплавными дисками Disc в ретродизайне эксклюзивная модель Generation SIX напоминает легендарный автобус Volkswagen T1 Samba.
http://www.autogoda.ru/news/66-666-y-vo … gannovere/



Измените число 322 на 3 " 22  " . Буква V является 22й буквой англ алфавита. Символ VW состоит из двух взаимосвязанных V , чтобы сформировать третью меньшую V в центре. Таким образом, символ состоит из 3-х " 22 -е ", или VVV = 666 , окруженных в кругу Pi , и VW становится Pi и 666 .



Генерал иезуитов Франческо Борджиа
В связи с этим,подозреваю,что эти знаки тоже означают строенную букву Вав,сиреч 666

Гитлер ,тайные  иезуитские и  масонские знаки

''Дункан  ритуал и монитор масонства'',Вав на стороне алтаря
Портрет Бенджамина Франклина и картинка из журнала Свидетелей Иеговы Watchtower
И тут строенная Вав,точно так же,как на эмблеме Фолксвагена
The Watchtower May 1, 2009

Awake July 2011 p.4.
Jehovah Witness  Watchtower March 15, 2007 p. 26http://www.fileswatch.com/uploads/5/6/3/1/56316733/3361505_orig.png
Jehovah Witness Watchtower February 1, 2014 p. 14
Jehovah Witness cult Awake January 8, 1991.
Jehovah Witness cult book, True Peace and Security How Can You Find It? 1986 p.98

Jehovah Witness Watchtower August 15, 2003 p. 5
Рестлер Big daddy V
Jehovah's Witness cult Watchtower magazine Feb 1, 1985






Учитывая вышеперечисленные и все что знаем, делаю такое предположение, что код 666-''человеческое число'' является направляющим для человечества, где каждая 6 представляет измерение,а вместе- ''трехмерное'':
Время- предназначенное 6000 лет, и наше привычное- 60 секунды, минуты.
Пространство- уже знаем, как часто в параметрах Земли, градостроительстве и архитектуре встречается 666.
Третье измерение для этого случая, беру численность населения Земли, которая достигла 6 млрд. в 1999  г., не только в еврейской традиции отбрасывается тысячные,но из математики знаем,что перед каждой цифрой подразумевается 1,то есть имеем 999(666).
Предполагаю, что заранее озвученные 6 млн. численность евреев(прототипом мог служить число израильтян-мужчин 600 000 при исходе из Египта) являлась сигналом для организаторов НМП, а конкретно-перейти к решительным действиям по всем аспектам, когда население земли перешагнет 6 млрд.-''предел'' для планеты.
Если 6000-й расчет верен, и конец в 2239 г.- в виде 223 и 239, то 6000-223(2016 г.)-239=5538(по еврейскому)=1776 г.(Б. Иллюминаты и Декларация независимости США).



Mery написал(а):

Учитывая вышеперечисленные и все что знаем, делаю такое предположение, что код 666-''человеческое число'' является направляющим для человечества, где каждая 6 представляет измерение,а вместе- ''трехмерное'':
Время- предназначенное 6000 лет, и наше привычное- 60 секунды, минуты.
Пространство- уже знаем, как часто в параметрах Земли, градостроительстве и архитектуре встречается 666.
Третье измерение для этого случая, беру численность населения Земли, которая достигла 6 млрд. в 1999  г., не только в еврейской традиции отбрасывается тысячные,но из математики знаем,что перед каждой цифрой подразумевается 1,то есть имеем 999(666).
Предполагаю, что заранее озвученные 6 млн. численность евреев(прототипом мог служить число израильтян-мужчин 600 000 при исходе из Египта) являлась сигналом для организаторов НМП, а конкретно-перейти к решительным действиям по всем аспектам, когда население земли перешагнет 6 млрд.-''предел'' для планеты.
Если 6000-й расчет верен, и конец в 2239 г.- в виде 223 и 239, то 6000-223(2016 г.)-239=5538(по еврейскому)=1776 г.(Б. Иллюминаты и Декларация независимости США).

Тут,в общем прокомментировано открыто,что 7е тысячелетие будет эпохой Мессии.
The belief that the seventh millennium will correspond to the Messianic Age is founded upon a universalized application of the concept of Shabbat—the 7th day of the week—the sanctified 'day of rest'.
Это же открыто стоит на разных христианских ресурсах протестантского толка



Джозеф Гетц,главный раввин Британской Империи(внимание на руку).Согласно множеству источников был открытым масоном:

http://www.mqmagazine.co.uk/issue-19/is … p-08-a.jpg
http://www.oztorah.com/2012/07/masonic- … australia/
"Гитлер вынес приговор 6000000 еврееям Европы" 7 дек. 1943
The Yorkshire Post and Leeds Mercury, Tuesday, December 7, 1943



Следующий Главный раввин Британской Империи сэр Израэль Броди,открытый масон ,не то 32 или 33 градуса.
http://www.oztorah.com/2012/07/masonic- … australia/



Будь то протестантская или какая нибудь другая трактовка, мне кажутся, спекуляциями, так как начало и конец, приход Мессии, уж точно, привилегия Бога, никто не может знать, даже по тысячелетиям. Если бы это было так, то ни Откровение, ни проповеди и послания Христа о конце времен не имели бы смысла, еще тогда каждый образованный первосвященник или фарисей возразил бы-точно указав время (тысячелетия 6-7), и при каждом удобном случае, человечество не ожидало бы ''конец света'', как нибудь просочились бы даже секретные иудейские ''прогнозы''.



Гитлер проигрывает выборы Гинденбургу 6 000 000 голосов. Апрель 1932 года. Агенство AP






Речь Гитлера от 30 января 1937 года в Рейхстаге

''Когда я взял власть в стане было 6 000 000 безработных и фермеров обреченных на раззорение''.

https://archive.org/stream/TheSpeechesO … n_djvu.txt



''Симфония шести миллионов 1932''

«Рассказ касается талантливого молодого еврейского врача (Рикардо Кортез), который вырастает в трущобах Нью-Йорка и по настоянию родных выходит из еврейского гетто, чтобы стать врачом с руками «на миллион долларов» на Вест-Энд Авеню и потерять контакт со своими мечтами и корнями в этом процессе. После неудачной операции своего отца (Грегори Ратофф) Герой клянется никогда не прикасаться к хирургическим инструментам. Но его подруга детства (Айрин Данн), бывшая инвалидом, чтобы вернуть талантливого врача к любимому делу решается на операцию позвоночника.
