voyager1970 написал(а)
Оригинала нет, кэш удален.
Только по смыслу. … -8443.html
OnStar приложения: General Motors предложить OnStar приложений для смартфонов
OnStar - история роста … les-onstar
OnStar была основана в 1995 году как дочерняя компания General Motors ( GM ). В то время это была революционная концепция, обеспечивая связь и услуги, включая реагирования на чрезвычайные ситуации, диагностики автомобиля, навигации и громкой призвание в автомобиле.
Постоянно развивается OnStar, возможно, просто сделал свой самый важный скачок в технологии, так как его конце 90-х введения.
General Motors в скором времени предложит доступ к своим OnStar оборудованных транспортных средств через смартфоны.
ТелематикаСпутниковы … транспорта
Спутниковый мониторинг транспорта
Нашла!! … wn-jewels/
CoreVPro is advertised as a security feature which can be used to disable the computer's processor to essentially brick it and "protect your data" if it is ever stolen. This is where the lie is – with the NSA spying on everything, that always on 3g cell connection (probably 4G now) can be used to access your computer and install whatever software a spook agency wants on it even if you are totally unplugged from the web. In addition to this, the instant windows search feature will now allow a spook to efficiently search your computer for all topics of interest. Intel is now a Jewish company, and as anyone who has read the Fukushima report, or knows about Israeli security in relation to terror attacks such as 9/11, ANYTHING a Jew advertises as being for "security" will only be used to rape you. With Intel's new CoreVpro processor technology, your computer can be raped at will and subsequently bricked by the NSA any time they see fit. If you have anything important to say and you are the ONLY source of the information you have, you had better buy AMD.
Always on cell connections in EVERY car sold in the U.S.
It started in the late 90's with GM's ONSTAR. And the spooks loved it so much that by 2005 it was mandated that EVERY CAR SOLD IN THE U.S. have an always on cell connection built into the ECM. This was briefly in the news and pulled, but it is a cold hard fact. Nowadays, every car out there that is 8 years old or newer has a microphone installed in it somewhere and can hear everything said in a car and transmit it out. If you cannot see a microphone anywhere, the radio speakers are the microphone.
We were told at the NSA that once you were in a moving car it was exactly the same as being in a secure area and that any classified topic could be safely discussed. It was fully permitted. Back then, cell phones were not as common and anyone working for the NSA would not be stupid enough to bring a cell phone along anyway. Because cars were perfect places to talk in private, that privacy had to be destroyed and now you are being forced to pay for parts to be installed in your car on day of manufacture that do nothing but destroy your privacy, and when in a pinch, be used to murder you Hastings style.
Smart Electricity meters, all of which have always on Wifi, 3g, 4G, and talk by power line in your house.
Отредактировано Капуччино (10.01.2014 22:17)