dontgiveadamn написал(а):Один из авторов, которого я читаю.
reports from the mainstream press in France (LCI) are already confirming my
reading here:
That is yesterday, and it is saying “48 hours ago nobody knew the location of the Peace Party, it
seems that it is the Israeli army which organized the operation, it is staggering.” Anne Nivat, the
reporter, admits that the party was only organized the day before, so how did Hamas make these
complicated plans to attack it using parasails and so on?
She doesn't seem to be aware that the deaths were staged/faked, but she does seem to be realizing the
event was an inside job or a false flag. In the same report, we see this photo of cars attacked.
What's wrong there? Anyone? Why are all the cars white? It is the same problem we saw recently in
Hawaii, where everything went to white. The CGI program apparently goofed here, forgetting to apply
color to any of the fake cars it pasted in.
After three days of selling this as real and even amplifying it, a few places like Infowars are finally
reporting today on fake coverage. There we find Clarissa Ward at CNN getting caught faking
incoming missiles on the ground in Israel. They then remind this has happened many times before,
going back to the First Gulf War. Yes, but Infowars knew that three days ago: why didn't they question
any of this stuff to start with? Why are they still selling the main lines of the “war” in many other
stories? Same for Zerohedge, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, NaturalNews, and all the alternative sites of
that sort. They know—and have reported themselves—that the mainstream has been caught hundreds
of times making up stories about babies killed, civilians decapitated, all the usual worst atrocities. But
then they all reported that in the last three days without questioning any of it. Just today there were
stories about Hamas decapitating babies, and these alternative sites printed it with no question, in
lockstep with the mainstream.
Same with Trump, who has previously commented on fake news. He is famous for promoting the idea.
But here he has been among the worst repeating this fake news and the fear and division that
accompanies it. Today he was giving speeches warning about WWIII, nukes, and “obliteration”. All
for political hay, so that the Pentagon can send aircraft carriers to fight guys on kites and request
billions more for “defense”, and so that he himself can claim none of this would have happened on his
watch. In other words, more of the worst kind of wag-the-dog propaganda and gaslighting. Really
putrid made-for-TV-and-internet theater.
But it continues to unwind on them, and we see proof of that straight from this paper of mine. The fact
it went superviral immediately, even above anything at the highly promoted Infowars, proves that
millions of people were searching on “Israel War Fake.” So many, as it turns out, the Pentagon and
Langley were forced into panic mode, being ordered to immediately manufacture a lot of fake news
items with those search terms, to misdirect and water down on that question. They desperately needed
to push my listing down. Finding that impossible on such short notice, Bing was forced to simply
delete it.
At many of those manufactured pages, they try to convince us that yes, false stories do get shared
online, photos get mixed up, mistakes are made, but that is mainly the fault of social media, and bad
actors probably sent in from Russia or China. It doesn't mean you should question this event as a
whole, or the news as a whole.
Even some of my best readers can't seem to get the message here, even after all we have been through.
They are saying, yes, Miles, you have proved some fakery here, and others are showing other instances,
but that is no reason to jump to conclusions. That is no reason to write off the entire war as a fake.
Really? So exactly how many cases of fraud would I have to show you before this was not “jumping to
a conclusion”? What percentage of all events in history would I have to out as fakes before you got the
message that these people are inveterate fakers and pathological liars? Because the percentage is
getting up there. I have covered literally thousands of the top events and people in history, showing
you precisely none of them were what we have been sold. We have been sold a line of a million lies,
and yet when I tell you the next thing they say is a lie, you claim I am jumping to a conclusion? Where
is the jump? There is no jump, I am just arriving naturally and rationally at the logical conclusion,
after decades of research: it is a vast and audacious fraud, run on us all for profit and control. There is
no longer any least doubt of it, so there is no jump. The only jump would be coming to any other
conclusion, given what we have discovered.
Get this through your head once and for all, as a general rule of logic: once you have proven a person
or group is a liar, the default assumption is that everything important he says is a lie. All trust should
be gone. If, in an extended event, you discover sub-events are purposely falsified, the default
assumption is that all events are false. In other words, if we find—and we have found—that many
events in this Israel War are manufactured, staged, or purposely falsified, the logical assumption is that
the whole thing is fake. There is no reason to fake parts of a real event, since a real event has plenty of
real things to report on. Plus, we are not judging this event in isolation. We are not judging it only
upon its owns merits. It is one in a long line of similar events, put on by the same people. We have
already caught them lying about everything else in history, so of course they are lying about this, too.
Do you see how that works?
It isn't just my research, it is Lestrade's voluminous research on the Pacific Theater. It is Orwell,
promoted by the mainstream, who warned us of exactly this: staged wars in far off lands, faked by the
media. If you have read 1984, you know they didn't just have constant war to create hate and drive the
economy, they had constant fake war, manufactured by writers, with nothing real going on on the
ground. It is Hollywood, which has admitted this is what is going on in films like Wag the Dog.
Robert DeNiro told you to your face. They also admit it in films like The Truman Show and The
Matrix: the whole thing is a fake. Even George Bush admitted it, saying “if they knew what we were
doing they would hang us all from the nearest lamp post”. What was it they were doing? What did he
mean? He meant this. He meant that if we found out the Phoenicians were faking everything, and
always had, we would rise up, burn them all down to ash, and then launch the ash in a rocket to the
Sun, where it could never be reconstituted again.