В Канаде не менее 25 человек госпитализированы после жесткой посадки самолета авиакомпании Air Canada, сообщает AFP. Как сообщается, лайнер выехал за пределы взлетно-посадочной полосыhttp://s8.uploads.ru/t/w8XUH.jpg
в международном аэропорту города Галифакс. На борту находились 137 человек: 132 пассажира и пять членов экипажа. По предварительным данным, происшествие было вызвано плохой видимостью во время ночной посадки из-за снегопада. Пострадавшие были доставлены в больницу с различными травмами, не представляющими угрозу для жизни. Сообщается, что в момент аварии в аэропорту отключилось электричество. На данный момент устанавливается, были ли эти два события связаны.

http://112.ua/avarii-chp/v-kanade-pri-z … 11739.html


The A320 Airbus was carrying 133 passengers and five crew. A total of 23 were taken to hospital for observation and treatment for minor injuries.
Flight AC624 from Toronto arrived shortly after midnight (04:00 GMT) and reportedly hit a power pylon after landing.
There were stormy conditions at the time, with snow on the ground.
Power at Halifax Stanfield International Airport was knocked out but Nova Scotia Power says that it has been restored.
Passengers said the plane skidded on its undercarriage before coming to a stop.
Randy Hall told Associated Press: "We were just coming in to land and there was a big flash. The plane came down, bang! It jumped up in the air again."
Businessman Mike Magnus told the agency: "It was so chaotic at the time. I'm pretty sure the landing gear broke. The engine on my side popped off."
Passengers were taken from the plane immediately but had to stand on the tarmac in the snow until buses arrived.
Eighteen of the people taken to hospital have already been released.
Peter Spurway, a spokesman for Halifax Stanfield, said two people had required "urgent care".